Swimming Creatures

We had a great class on Friday.  The kids were very well behaved, quite cooperative, and ready to learn.  Encourage them on!  This week’s assignment is listed in the syllabus, which you have in your book, or the link to an online syllabus is listed prior to this post.  Just to make sure we are all on the same week, you should finish reading the first chapter this week.  On Friday, I will review this chapter and send home the test from Lesson 1.  I recommend trying to do the test without the book, but if you see it is too challenging, feel free to make it open book.  I will let you make that decision at home each week.

To organize your Science notebook, I suggest using dividers with these labels:  Lesson Notes, Tests, Special Presentation.

We have plenty of shoeboxes!  So, even if you did not bring one this past Friday, you do not need to bring one.  Some people brought extras, and I was finally able to find some at Ross (just in case you ever need to know which store gives away their shoeboxes).